Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Warmachine League at Critical Hit

I got into Warmachine years ago when Privateer were showcasing the first, unboxed, boxed sets at GenCon. We (Eric O. and I) really liked the game when we tried it out with the quick start rules. Unfortunately, for a few years, there just weren't people nearby who were interested in the game (that I knew of), and I didn't have the energy to try to start a community. A few months ago, when Critical Hit opened, the game really exploded around here, as leaders of the 40k community, like Steve G. and Bill have gotten into it and promoted it. Bill started a league, and needed some players, and I couldn't turn him down. My first game was scheduled against Chris, and we decided to play tonight.

Not having spent much time with the game, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be very successful, as Chris plays fairly regularly. Also, I had decided to play just with the Cygnar boxed set, as that was what I had painted. Chris chose a Cryx force with a couple of pistol wraiths, Denegra, four little 'jacks, and this crazy guy who looks like he's floating and throwing a skull with some ethereal streamers behind it.

I won the die for terrain placement and table edge, and tried to keep the terrain balanced and minimal, as I figured I had slightly better guns than him (I think I was wrong), and I wanted the game to be over pretty quick, one way or the other. Chris won the roll for going first, and took that option. He just ran all his forces towards me.

I decided just to move my guys around a little bit, and take a shot with the one gun that could reach, and a spell, but didn't boost them and missed.

Chris took a shot with a wraith and missed. The skull guy cast a spell weakening the armor on my ironclad. One of his little guys channeled a spell that knocked down my lancer and stryker, and damaged them both.

I took the opportunity to whack the pistol wraith, and charged the skull guy with the ironclad, knocking him out of the back of the park. I cracked a disruptor shot on one of the little jacks. I made a couple huge mistakes here. First, I should have shot at a different 'jack with Stryker, before standing the lancer in front of him. Second, I forgot to move the lancer after standing him, which could have locked up two of the remaining 'jacks in melee combat, leaving me pretty free to mop up the other two and gain a significant advantage. Finally, I should have used my feet this round to make sure I'd get to the next turn, which would have been pretty decisive.

Chris ran his other wraith forward, into a good position for me to blast it next turn. While I was gleefully planning on what I would do, he hit me with the aoe spell again, rolling good damage, and then his last relevant 'jack waddled forward and finished me off with some high damage spit. A little anticlamactic, and very fast. I almost wanted to play again, but I wasn't really in the right headspace.

I enjoyed the game, and I certainly look forward to playing it again. I just hope it's against someone as personable as Chris. I'm a little sad that I just don't think I'll be able to paint enough stuff to have 500 points finished any time soon, even though I own the figs.

After the game, I sat around a little and watched some Magic. The weekly draft was going on, with twelve players. It looked like a pretty good time. I sort of miss the game.


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